Bengal Pattachitra Painting

Let us introduce you to Suman Chitrakar (33 yrs) is a young Patua artist from Nayagram village of West Bengal practicing Bengal Patachitra- Scroll Painting. Suman started painting at the age of twenty with his mentor Jaideep Chitrakar.

Suman carries the lineage of ‘folk’ artists who paint long vertical scrolls and compose verses. He creates figurative works. His artwork has been featured in two books – one on Bono Bibi of the Sunderbans and another on the life of Savitribai Phule published by Azim Premji University. Recently Suman Chitrakar grabbed the attention of the British audience participating in an inspirational exhibition ‘Gods and Demons’ which was an initiative by India’s West Bengal government Biswa Bangla in collaboration with the Indian Council for Cultural Relations and London’s Nehru Centre in May 2016. After a glorious week in London, the artist conducted live demonstrations and workshops at the Museum of Edinburgh.

Here’s some of his works!